Taken from for911aintright 's Blog at Myspace
Election Day looms near and the politicians hit the trails in full force in trying to sway the voters to back their respective parties. The platforms vary from smear tactics, taxes, economy, environment, support of the never ending war on terror (which is like the war on drugs; no defined enemy and no end to the prosecutable... a circular argument), integrity, racial and religious embraces etc. etc, same ole same ole as far as the presented issues go, but how many campaign on the seedier side of government?
Apparently, any issue is fair game except for those issues that might tend to shed light on the immorality of war, the apathy towards life, 911, the hidden agenda's, in essence anything that casts them in an unfavorable stance as viewed by the people.
Those who do raise these or other unfavorable issues apparently wind up "in harms way" and in effect are muzzled. John F. Kennedy wanted changes and five days before that fateful day he had as much as stated that he would "tear down the CIA brick by brick". He also wanted out of Asia.
However, the motorcade route was re-routed at the last minute to swing through Dealey Plaza. The Warren Commission's report never did sit well with the American public and was re-opened in the 70's with the same outcome, the all too puzzling magic bullet. Corporate influenced war is big business.
If any of you have the opportunity, a good question to raise which is one I strongly feel should be asked of every politician:
Should government pensions be either granted or revoked at the end of term by vote?
I just want to know how close they toe the line "of the people, by the people, for the people". They should answer yes, shouldn't they?
911 was a horrific day, not some "wonderful reminder" as Donald Rumsfeld contends his display of plane debris upon his coffee table is. He has his trophy, we have our scars.
Did they look the other way and allow 911 to happen?
DEFINITELY! I knew we were under attack when the first plane hit. I read the book by Josseff Bodansky who was on the Republican's Terrorism Task Force. It was called Target America and was published in 1993.
Sen. McCollum (R) Florida even wrote the forward in which he stated quite succinctly that the American people should be made aware of the threats posed by Muslim extremists. Mr. Bodansky had written several books pre and post 911. He wrote the Bin Laden book days after 911 but it was obvious that our leaders knew well in advance we faced a threat and specifically the WTC. If they didn't stop them, wouldn't that put them with the terrorists? 911 is such a pivotal moment in world history a thorough investigation is a necessity.
Did they benefit? Unquestionably! Did they plan it? Now this is the mother of all questions and knowing the government think-tanks look forward, PNAC implicates itself in desiring methodology to facilitate change.
PNAC mentions that only another Pearl Harbor would rally the people to the expenditure of their desired increase in military budgeting.
There are also many instances of what are called "false flag" operations within the CIA but for brevity's sake I won't delve into that dark world. Exposing the "Family Jewels" scares them all. It scares us. Isn't that terror?
The hypocrisy within the administration is so rampant; duplicity in meaning is likely a private joke. They can hardly restrain their glee. Those "catch phrases" like "We want a lasting piece in the Middle East". Watch their facial expressions. Do I know this for certain? No, but it isn't any stranger a fiction than 911.
If on the other hand our elected officials didn't see 911 coming (which is highly doubtful since Intel from many sources pointed directly at it) then they at the very least are all grossly incompetent for not "waking up and smelling the coffee".
The flip side is what leaves so many people seeking the truth. Conspiracy theorists and I am proud to proclaim that I am amongst them in this case, see ourselves as true Patriots, asking painful questions, seeking justice for victim's as well as searching for a justification for two wars and gearing up for a third.The Eisenhower strike group is expected to be off the coast of Iran Oct 21st with PTDO's "prepare to deploy orders".
Those of us seeking the truth amid the lack of evidence are labeled as domestic terrorists ourselves under the vagueness contained within the Patriot Act. It should also be mentioned that this Act was passed by a congress that hadn't even read it which is why one Republican refused to sign it. I'd grant him his pension! ... Well, maybe not, whether he signed it is the issue.
I seek the truth because there are too many holes in the official explanation, however, for brevity's sake and considering that thesis alone would take volumes to present I will leave it there except for a few of the more compelling points.
The question most commonly asked in criminal activity investigations is Qui Bono. Who stands to gain?
In seeking evidence to either prove or disprove one comes across a barrage of information, It is so polluted with misinformation that sifting through the volumes is tedious at best and futile at worst. This is the result of non-public disclosure. But the truth is out there even if you can't see the forest through the trees. Bringing this house of cards down will end it all.
Who what when where why and so many questions...
Stock puts on the airlines.
Of the 100 billion in gold under the WTC, only 280 million was recovered ... already loaded on a truck.
On Sept 10th it was widely reported that the Pentagon was missing 2.3 or 3 trillion dollars (either way a sizeable amount) which irony of ironies the audit was taking place in the same place struck by the Arab terrorists from Saudi Arabia; armed with box-cutters (who somehow managed to beat our entire air defense due to an "exercise" and "stand down orders").
The anomaly of later that day was WTC7, approximately half the height of the towers; it received more damage than other possible candidates that were in closer proximity to the towers themselves. Not much video evidence exists of this anomaly since most of the media outlets were filming the rubble pile of the WTC's themselves, and subsequently collapsed around 5:20 that afternoon. Considering that Larry Silverstein recently acquired the WTC lease to a tune of millions and the insurance payoff was in the billions... but I digress.
WTC7 housed a number of federal agencies; the SEC is the only one I will comment on. All records were destroyed... some 3000 investigations into stock fraud, insider trading etc. that included (to name one) Enron. If you recall, many people lost their pensions and something like 1.1 billion was in question. My figure might not be entirely accurate, I'm doing this from memory and there is a lot of info out there.
As if these weren't motive enough, we have the Military Industrial Complex with no bid contracts, conflicts of interest, the Caspian pipeline, and Iraq. Oil seems to be prominent in reasoning here.
If our trusted government was complicit of the events of 911 they should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.
They broke just about every law in the book... if proven guilty that is. There is always plausible denial. Such an argument might be raised if it were necessary to manipulate a global scenario for the future security of the Nation.
The moral question, that thin line in the sand of killing a few to save many; the "collateral damage" of any war is justified ... to them. It is a life, regardless of callous attitudes that declare it a statistic. Once you shake hands with the devil you become good friends.
Taking a life shouldn't be easy so what could possibly compel a government to do so in vogue, with high tech weaponry that ongoing Research and Development pumps out in increasing numbers?
Does the morality of "where all are created equal with inalienable rights" only apply to what side of the line you stand on?
This is hypocrisy of the highest order to those on the other side of the line. The security has just increased in magnitude at a cost of both arms and lives, which is also proportional to the increase in those who would return the favor in thanks.
This is the immorality of 21st century man. You're either with us or against us.
Jesus must be scratching his head wondering what is it about love one another we fail to understand. He'd describe us all as being in the same boat all paddling in the same direction but the boat is round and we fools never saw it.
But again, I digress.
Apparently, destruction of evidence is acceptable and there is no accountability. We the people have in effect put our trust in a man who knows what is best for us and how much we should know.
I'd call that Faith. We were let down.
The chain of evidence from any crime scene is crucial to prosecution, which follows a thorough investigation. There is nothing to investigate we are told. America has become the land where Justice is blind and for sale. The land where truth is a flavor and the media we trust to keep us informed is nothing more than a commercial, pitching us the flavor of the day.
The great Nation "America" ...once was; is now seen as the bullies on the block to the global community. We push democracy on foreign soils while failing miserably at home. We should be ashamed since "of the people, by the people, and for the people" makes us all guilty by association.
The only way to salvage world trust is to "clean house". Election Day draws near and by responsibility one must vote.
The problem is, with a tri-party system and the leading two parties undesirable and the third party lacking support being ineffectual - in fact the third party was probably instilled to be a "split vote", we find ourselves by necessity of voting the lesser of two evils.
I once heard it said that a Democrat will hurt you but a Republican will kill you. Apparently the affluent potential is there. I heard somewhere else "do not vote your conscience and vote Democrat, we need to stop them and deal with the Democrats later." and this sounded desperate. Has Green ever won? Perhaps the third party should be for times as these as a refuge?
Can anyone of moral integrity cast such a vote in good conscience? I for one, being a resident alien (coming to this country thinking it was the best the world had to offer - from Canada no less) am not even granted a vote yet until I become a citizen.
Does taking the pledge of Allegiance, abiding by the Constitution and "defending the country from enemy either foreign or domestic" mean that I should question egregious abuses or should I wait until the Constitutional rights of free speech, right to assemble etc. are revoked/rewritten? <>
The moral dilemma is either speaking out against ones government which is in essence treasonous, or just watch as the country becomes more and more over time, impotently victimized. Should I stand in apathy since there are few willing to stand on the issue? Can anything even be done?
Only those with knowledge can make a difference. Only when they have a strong foundation of support beneath them will they come forward.
Absolute power corrupts absolutely. Like the Warren commission this will be forgotten in time. That is what they hope anyway. It's like Billy Krystol who sat at the head of PNAC said "is it that big a deal". Such callousness towards those on this side of the line shows a drastic policy change. I guess with so many lines its hard to know where you drew that line to begin with.
Do I even have a right to vocalize my concern? For the sake of humanity I hope so. Would I be defending you if I allowed it to happen given what I know about the events of 911?
Under the pledge of Allegiance I am supposed to.
Am I doing what is best for the country knowing that world opinion of America has pitted at an all-time low? Would I risk indefinite detention without legal representation, possibly being tortured for this country if I didn't care for it? Will I be shot for writing this? Should I leave my wife to protect her? So many questions.
The government could end all this in an instant.
All they have to do is disclose. Give the evidence to the people. Thats all that is needed to end all the conspiracy theories and restore global opinion. It is when there is a void that a speculation occurs. They should know this, why else would it be kept hidden from the peoples view if there were nothing to hide. Many know and fear repercussions.
Many were unaware of the end result in there little part. Once the truth comes out the evidence comes forth. More than likely, the top of the tree is insulated from view by all the branches. Like the impeachment of Nixon, the evidence presented itself. And for those who need to do the impeaching, ask yourself what is right? But that is also assuming that the American people are willing to stand up. And also that there are any of you who aren't in on it.
The problem is, the government is creating this reality. They utilize the media and are fabricating the path from truth. Popular Mechanics ran extensive proof and yet on a radio show in Arizona, Charles Goyette was interviewing Davin Coburn who was caught in a lie. If this whole thing wasn't so tragic it would have been funny. Unfortunately I think we all fell down a notch on the humor ladder.
The troops are becoming demoralized since they too see that there are serious questions surrounding 911. They are sent to secure a foreign Nation and in so doing take lives.
This is a far cry from the Honor Guard that was assigned watch at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier during Hurricane Isabelle and refused the offer to evacuate until the storm passed. The pride of those men in replying "no way, it was the highest honor" and the fact that the tomb is guarded 24/7 is what made this country great. They know what the colors mean.
Will it become PC to burn the flag too or is it already?
It is time for all men to judge themselves. Only through your will can there ever be we the people again.
We live in a schizophrenic world if taken as a sum total of all views. Is it any wonder it is so dysfunctional?
Perhaps a new strategy should be sought? Foreign policy seems to be failing unless you market arms. Perhaps you guys could take a vacation or something? Oh yeah, I forgot that 100 year war.
I wish, no I Pray that there are those within government that would take a stand on these issues. They would be the true Patriots that guide us through sound logic and reasoning... they would get my vote in a heartbeat,... had I a vote to cast. All I can do is Pray, and let Jesus count mine.